SPF-098: Here’s Johnny! (And Sean) – Inside stories from Two Self Publishing Pioneers

No doubt you’ve heard of Johnny, Sean and Dave, the self-publishing pioneers from the Self-Publishing Podcast, one of the original podcasts focused on indie authors. Today James talks to Sean and Johnny about their two brand new offerings for authors, how things have changed in recent years, and how they will continue to change.

This week’s highlights include:

  • Being authentic while still being helpful when giving a keynote address
  • On the evolution of the SPP team and the value of meeting in person
  • Preparing during 2017 for 2018, Sterling & Stone’s big year
  • Story Shop and Stories to Go, two big S&S projects
  • Reorganizing Sterling & Stone using the team’s natural strengths
  • Throwing away a $100K project and starting over

Resources mentioned in this episode:

SPF FOUNDATION: Click here to learn more

PATREON: Self Publishing Formula Podcast’s Patreon page

STORY SHOP: Writer better stories faster.

STORIES TO GO: We give you the story. You keep the rights. (Forever.)


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SPF-005: Interview with Sean Platt


This week’s guest, Sean Platt, has turned a love of writing into an indie publishing phenomenon in the shape of story studio Sterling & Stone. But that’s only half his story. In Podcast 5, Sean talks with the guys about what’s next for Sterling & Stone, author productivity, dreaming big, making the right choices and what’s currently working on the marketing front for indie authors.

Show Notes

  • On Sean’s background and how he structures his day for maximum productivity, including naps and walking meetings.
  • The pleasure of working hard on things we love to do.
  • How Sean dreams big and sets challenging goals for each year.
  • The choice Sean would make between being a storyteller and his other projects.
  • The marketing for authors that Sean thinks is working now. And what’s not working.
  • Where Sterling and Stone see themselves in five years.

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